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Friday, February 7, 2020

First Three Poems in 2020

So many parties to attend... I love it.  Then there is not much time nor the mood to update my blog until now -- otherwise it would be more work later and since this coming Friday is the last day of the old year, anticipating the arrival of the Year of the Rat. Here's a poem to mark the occasion and I better upload everything now.

春回人間翠綠紅 Spring returning to the mortal lands in blues, greens, and reds,
和氣盡來再相逢 Once more met in great harmony and warmth
臘梅怒放太平世 As wintersweet blooms burst forth in this age of peace,
難辨花甲一舊夢 Indistinguishable from one sixty-year old’s dream.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

For each year in the Chinese calendar, there is an associated element to its animal sign. There are five elements, metal, fire, water and earth. Hence a cycle of sixty years would have gone by before the same sign and element combination reappears. 甲 is the first of the ten celestial stems, 天干.

 his second one was written shortly after the first one while I was in mood...

花艷蝶飛景前美 Flitting butterflies amongst flowers of grace, a scene of beauty,
有誰不識春光媚 Is there no one not know of the seductive fragrance of spring?
休笑古松老人顏 Sneer not at the rimpled faces of the old,
曾經歲月年華戲 A joke played by Time on the once upon a time of youth.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Might as well put my third one here as well.  This was inspired by the theme from the Last Emperor...

日落飛霞夜寒風 Amid the swirling red clouds, the sun sets and the night wind will be cold,
清霸天下再莫逢 Never will the power of the Ch’ings once more met.
景陽三鞭靜無影 Quiet are the silent shadows of the Bell of the Rising Sun and crackling whips,
月下孤牆守舊夢 Under the moonlight, these lonely walls still guard the dreams of old.

Monday, January 13, 2020

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