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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Floating Red - 浮紅

This one was inspired by the instrumental piece, “Terra Cotta Warrior” by Noel Quinland. The music reminded me of the perceived carefree ranked Ch’ing Dynasty concubines swaying their large handkerchiefs in the wind as they trod on their platform shoes. In the end, the theme changed into something else as I remembered a story I read eons ago…

1 閑渡銀橋巾帕揚 Crossing leisurely the silver bridge a kerchief fluffed,
2 靜流金水玉帶長 Quietly flows the golden water and the jade belt is long.
3 深宮禁地出入難 Difficult it is to enter and exit the forbidden palace,
4 唯託浮紅人間嘗 Except to entrust the floating red to sample the ordinary world for me.

1 Just a euphemism for a grand looking bridge. The action of fluffing her handkerchief is to distract her action of dropping the leaf into the waters in case if someone was looking.

2 The river moat in the Forbidden City is known as the Golden Water or the Jade Belt. Here it just means a stream/ditch flowing through the palace.

4 Usually, 人間means the mortal world. In this context, the world of the ordinary people. The palace is considered to be heaven on earth – the Great Within (大內).

This is an allusion to 流紅記 (An Account of Flowing Red), written in the Sung Dynasty about an event that took place in the Tang Dynasty. A scholar was walking by the banks of the imperial stream flowing out of the palace. Perchance, he espied on a floating red leaf that to him looked unusual and fished it out of the water. On it was a poem,

流水何太急 Why do the waters floweth so hurriedly?
深宮盡日閑 Deep inside the palace where time is spent in idleness.
殷勤謝紅葉 With greatest reverence in thanking the red leaf,
好去到人間 Godspeed journeying to the world of the Great Without.

He surmised that some lonely court lady was lamenting about her life in the lonely palace. He fell in love with her through the poem and could not take her out of the mind. His friends laughed at his callowness. Still, he wrote a reply on another leaf and threw it into the upstream:

曾聞葉上題紅怨 Once I heard that upon a leaf was a girl lamenting her woes,
葉上題詩寄阿誰 But to whom was this poem sent?

Unlike other stories about scholars, our hero did not pass the imperial examinations and resigned himself to the harsh realities of the world. He stayed behind in the capital and became a private tutor to an official’s household. He worked diligently and gained the favor of his employer. One day, the employer told him that from someone from the palace having the same last name as his came to seek protection. She was a court lady to be “retired” at age of 30. He would like to matchmake the former scholar and her as husband and wife. Of course, he could not refuse such an offer from his master. Fortunately, for him, when he saw her, it was love at first sight. After many years of a blissful marriage, the wife, one day, went to the husband’s worktable to clear things up. In a box, she found the red leaf on which the poem was written. She immediately exclaimed that it was her poem! The husband was flabbergasted and she said she too had one red leaf poem and produced it to her husband, which of course is his poem. They told the lord of the household about this miraculous impossibility that came true for both of them. Two poems were then composed by the husband and wife for this joyous occasion,

獨步天溝岸 Alone I walked by the banks of the imperial moat
臨流得葉時 It was then by the current approached that this leaf now beholden,
此情誰會得 Who would know that this love could be had?
腸斷一聯詩 Brokenhearted just because of this poetic stanza.

一聯佳句題流水 One elegant stanza on flowing waters,
十載幽思滿素懷 Ten years of silent thoughts filled the heart with this life’s longing,
今日欲成鸞鳳友 Today that we are now a phoenix pair,
方知紅葉是良媒 Knoweth this moment the marvel of matchmaking this red leaf be.

Sunday, September 12, 2021
Monday, September 13, 2021

Stone Statues Of the Sacred Way - 神道石人

This poem was originally conceived on 09 June, 2015 while looking at a photo of the Tang Dynasty imperial tombs.  Then in 17 August 2018 came a minor update and now almost three years later, still another update...



石頭人上石頭淚, Upon the stone figures are stony tears,
摧雨拳拳巨.The blasting wind, the pummeling rain each a fist of prodigiousness,
神道威武先百年, And for the formidability of the Sacred Way in the first hundred years,
唯今能記有幾誰. How many of now would remember this?

Tears upon the stone statues in the pummeling rain,
風吹聲歎千秋恨 And sighs of the howling wind during the past thousand autumns.
神道兩傍對無言 Two sides of the sacred way, they faced at each other in silence,
今時威武有誰問 How many of now would ask of their once formidability?

Friday, September 17, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Untitled - 無題

It is good to doodle...

1 枝上梅香滿天紅 Bough laden fragrance of plum blossoms reddens the sky,
2 樹下醉意遍地濃 Under the tress, inebriation permeating deeply into the land.
3 舉杯欲請嫦娥姐 To my big sister, the Goddess of the Moon, I raised my cup to thee,
4 借照銀光侍寢夢 That I may borrow thy light to watch over my slumbering dreams.

3 Chang-O, the lunar goddess.

侍寢 literally to serve/attend the bedchamber.  For example, the chamberlain. May have a salacious meaning but in this context, it is otherwise.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Love Eterne

This took me half a day to complete.  It is easy when one has the idea...

1 銀河孤單岸無人
The Milky Way is lonely with no one on its banks,
2 金風寒刺碎花魂 And souls of flowers are shattered by the cold piercing autumn wind.
3 牛郎遠隔織女星 Far apart are the stars of Cowherd and Spinning Maid,
4 總比凡間更殷勤 More can be said of their love than those in the mundane world.

1 Implying that Seventh Night has not come yet.

2 Golden wind symbolizes the approaching autumn.

3 The stars of Altair and Vega.

4 How many relationships can last when the lovers can only meet once a year?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Ants And Grasshoppers

Again, from my brush doodling but took me two days to complete.

1 日破漁舟出
Fishing boats are already out when the day breaks,
2 夜歸晚來泊 And as night approaches, late they are to be moored.
3 高樓紅門宴 The feasts of the powerful and nobility.
4 遊龍長樂客 And the hustle and bustle of their guests in eternal joy.

2 Both 夜 and 晚 can also be taken to mean "late".

3 Literally, tall buildings and doors painted in vermillion red

4 Literally, wandering dragon. 多少恨,昨夜夢魂中. 還似舊時遊上苑. 車如流水馬如龍. 花月正春風 - 望江南 by 李煜.

The nobility usually entertain and sought counsel and advice from itinerant wise men. They would be housed as honored guests. Usually when greater ambitions are harbored in the hearts of the host.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Autumn Thoughts By The Dresser - Variation V

Another inspiration as I listened to the flute rendition (music starts at 1:48) of Autumn Thoughts By The Dresser

1 秋前雨夜妝台怨 A rainy night before autumn, fretting at the dresser,
2 長江東水月無緣 The long river flowing east but a fated moonless night.
3 隨日盡散雲烟夢 Dreams are like fading mists when the coming morning comes,
4 紅塵誓約抝風攣 Vows made in the mundane world can even bend the wind.

2 The Yangtze River is also known as the long river. All rivers in China flow towards the east because of geographical features of the land.

4 This line has two interpretations - Vows so strong that even winds can be bent by their sheer will or that they so frequently broken that winds bend under their sheer weight.

Tuesday, 31 August 2021