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Thursday, April 20, 2023

An Inscription Of A Spartan House - 陋室銘

123 An Inscription To A Spartan Abode

唐. 劉禹錫
4 Tang. Liu Yu Hsi

01 山不在高有仙則名
Mountains are not famed due to their height but by having immortals.
02 水不在深有龍則靈 Waters are not miraculous due to their depth but by dragons.
03 斯是陋室 This is [my] humble abode.
04 惟吾德馨
5 With only the fragrance of my virtue.
05 笞痕上階綠
6 Traces of moss on the steps of dark green,
06 草色入簾青
7 And light green of grasses coming through the curtains.
07 談笑有鴻儒 I converse in smiles with the great learned,
08 來往無白丁
8 Nary do I deal with those unlettered.
09 可以調素琴
9 Stringless zither could be tuned,
10 閱金經
10 Buddhist sutras could be read.
11 無絲竹之亂耳 No string or reed to harass the ears,
12 無案牘之勞形 And no official documents to weary my body.
13 南陽諸葛廬
11 There is the hovel of Chu Ko in southern Yang,
14 西蜀子雲亭
12 And the pavilion of Tzu Yun in western Shu.
15 孔子云 Confucius said, 
16 何陋之有?
13 “What’s so spartan about it?”

陋 means “crude”, “simple”, “ugly”, “crude”. “Spartan” is a better term in the context of this piece.

室 means room in modern usage. In this context, it means “house”, “home” etc.

銘 is an inscription to mark some glorious event, a reminder to one’s behavior. Later, it is referred to a writing style known as 駢文that uses parallel lines of similar or contrasting ideas. All poetry couplets are 駢文 but the corollary is not true. Lines 1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 11-12, 13-14 are the more orthodox forms.


Literally “virtue fragrance”

綠 is a shade darker than 青

白丁 means the common people because they are not wealthy enough to have their clothes dyed in colors. Here it means the illiterate because only the rich and powerful are wealthy enough to learn how to read and write.

素琴 can mean either a zither without decorative embellishments but also mean that a stringless zither. I chose the latter definition because of line 11. At the same time, Liu Yu Hsi could not control his disdain for fools and he definitely let them know his feelings. He became the Number One scholar at the age of 21. Most of his exiles stemmed from the satirical poems he wrote against them. For example, no sooner he returned to the capital upon the completion of an exile, he wrote the following poem mock those in control and caused another exile within three days!


Fourteen years later, he repeated himself by another poem upon visiting the same place where his poem was inspired from. This time he even had a short preface to explain the reason of this composition!


 One thing about the author is that he is always optimistic and carefree despite of his circumstances forced on him.

Specifically, the Diamond Sutra. Liu was devoted to Buddhism as he was taught by two master Buddhist monks in his youth.


Originally, a study studio but latter, a pavilion was built to commemorate him.

The original text is “君子居之, 何陋之有?”The front part was not used as it would be considered to be bragging.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Friday, April 14, 2023

A Way To Paradise

1 東升白雲野山風
Rising in the east are white clouds and wild mountain winds,
2 隱約紫霞瑤池夢 Wafting in and out are purple mists of a Jasper Pool dream.
3 酒淡千杯作瓊液 A thousand cups later, cheap wine becomes liquid from goblets of jade,
4 青鳥引向瀛洲逢 And blue birds usher the path for a Blessed Isle rendezvous.

2 Jasper Pool is believed to be somewhere in the Kunlun mountain range where the Queen Mother of the West resides.

3 瓊液, “jade/jasper liquid” is used to refer the finest wine served in jade cups, usually in imperial settings.  A thousand cups is a poetic exaggeration.  If not, death arises from alcohol poisoning! I myself never partake a single drop in life.

4 Blue birds are messengers of the Queen Mother of the West. 
瀛洲 is one of the three immortal isles in the Eastern Ocean.  The other two are 蓬萊 and 方丈.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Weltschmerz Upon A Hilltop

Another day of clouds and misty rain. The first four characters of the first line came into my mind before going for my jog. The poem was completed when I finished jogging and more refinements as I penned it down with a brush.

Black clouds, darkening mountains and winds blew cold,
斜坡半險無人行 A half threatening looking slope that no one walks.
獨我高處看蒼天 Except for the only me viewing the vast gray skies on ahigh,
低頭微覺雨落橫 Lowering my head, a mere feeling of rain falling askew.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Dragon's Egg

This idea of this one came about while I was trying to complete the previous poem. The event is so common and generic that it can happen to any family.

1 樹蔭涼下野蘭花
Under the cool shade of the tree, is a wild orchid,
2 躝上梧桐鳳凰化 Creeping towards the wutung tree to become a phoenix.
3 可歎慈愛一朝滅 Alas, sigh of a mother’s love one day extinguished,
4 結珠成龍為誰家 For whose family this dragon’s egg is for?

1 蘭 here refers to 蘭貴人, the future empress dowager, Tzu Hsi. 野 refers to the poverty of her family. The tree then must refer to the Hsien Feng emperor.

2 Wild orchids are not creepers. I took the poetic licence to refer the literal meaning as morning glory. It is believed that a phoenix will alight only on branches of the Empress Tree, Paulownia. A common expression, 山雞飛上枝頭變鳳凰, the mountain (wild) chicken flying up to the bough and transformed into a phoenix to mean a lady of lowly status becoming the top dog.

3 慈 is another hidden clue to denote the empress dowager.

4 The pearl refers to her son, the future Tung Chih emperor. There is a Chinese expression, the old oyster bears a pearl, 老蚌生珠 to mean giving birth at a late age. “to become a dragon” means that the son becomes successful. In this case it means literally to become one, i.e. to become the emperor. “Dragon’s egg” is more colorful than “a pearl formed to become a dragon”

Monday, April 10, 2023

Under The Peony Pavilion

1 牡丹亭下良緣結 Under the Peony Pavilion, a destiny was formed,
2金葉無意前姻絕 An unintentional leaf of gold had it ended.
3 人去夢盡情未了 Dreams end when the person is gone but love never does,
4 朦朧影後春光別 Even when shadows became fuzzy and youth had bidden farewell.

1 Without knowing the allusion, the first two lines offer no meaning or connection. In many ways, it is the reverse of a Romeo-Juliet story.

2 “Leaf of gold”, a withered leaf or a leaf in autumn.  Here it is a falling autumn leaf.

Monday, April 10, 2023

A Birthday Present To Myself

Killing time during my jog…

1 瑤池日沉紫霞升
Sunset upon the Jasper Pool and purple fog begins to rise,
2 天燈初亮漸甦醒 Celestial lights in early brightness of gradual awakening.
3 瓊宴群仙殷勤侍 Meticulous are the fairies serving at the banquet of jade,
4 勝比寂寞寒宮靜 ‘tis far better than serving loneliness and quiet of the lunar palace.

1 Jasper Pools are fairy pools in the abode of the Queen Mother of the West, reputed to be in the Kunlun mountain range. Purple hued mists or fog are a sign of fairyness.

2 Starlight.

3 Referring to the sumptuousness of the banquets served with utensils made of jade.

4 The lunar palace is considered to be a lonely place inhabited by the lunar goddess with the jade rabbit and a three legged toad.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Midnight Dreams

一夜星河五更東 came to my mind in the wee of the night.  Couldn’t remember the second line except for the last three characters. When I went back to sleep, the entire poem was completed but upon wakening the new lines were forgotten.

1 銀河一夜五更風
One night upon the Silver River, winds of the fifth watch came,
2 驚醒昨日春曉夢 Startling my spring morning dreams of yesteryears.
3 鵲橋未盡暗淚先 The end of the magpie bridge not in sight but silent tears a first,
4 秋時葉落何相逢 Autumn leaves had already fallen, whence rendezvous of yet again?

1 Silver River is a poetic term for the Milky Way. The Chinese hour is equivalent to two western hours. The third watch begins at midnight and the fifth hence begins at 4am and lasts until 6am. Here it refers to the coming morning.

3 The magpie bridge symbolizes long distance separation of love. It came from the story of the Cowherd and the Heavenly Spinning Maid. 未盡 can mean that the bridge had not scattered yet or that the rendezvous point on the bridge had not reached.

4 The twilight of one’s life and may not live long enough for another celebration of the Seventh Night or to think of the past.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

One Cruisy Afternoon

After composing the previous poem, I had the inspiration to create this one. I had been thinking that the rainy season is over… Just a fantasy of meeting someone in a park…

1 水潾波銀送春風
Clear waters and silvery ripples accompanying the wind of spring,
2 日麗新交笑相逢 Beautiful is the day when a new acquaintance met in smiles.
3 雲雨莫近無騷擾 Rain clouds no longer close by and disturbance nary around,
4 與兄杯傾醉夢同 A toast to big brother till we are drunk and share a common dream.

4 In ancient times, when forming a fraternity, ages were given to establish how one should act according to the Confucian relationships between brothers. And if circumstances are available, a drinking bout is unavoidable.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Welcoming Shade

This welcoming shade is the inspiration to this piece...

1 汗滴珠流顏無彩 Gone is the radiance as sweat dripped like beads from my face,
2 河畔柳樹借蔭蓋 Under the shade of willows by the riverbank I sought,
3 幾陣涼風爽心神 A few moments of cool breeze to invigorate my spirit,
4 折枝恩報植未來 In gratitude, a branch broken to grow for the future.

4 A good gardener knows that a broken willow twig will root easily. Also in ancient times, a tiny branch was given to a parting friend so that he could root in his new location as easily.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Doctrine of the Mean - 中庸

It was a sunny and clear day but the strong winds made my jog miserable. Almost had my head blown off. My straw hat was flapping away and I felt like the Flying Nun. The words, 風吹強 were the impetus to this creation.

1 青天白雲欲登上
The skies are blue, the clouds are white and I wish to alight upon,
2 萬步驚心風更强 After ten thousand steps, the winds are even stronger.
3 人生莫惜年華短 Life does not cherish that days of youth are short,
4 高望低看矇一塲 Too lofty goals attained and upon looking down, everything is but a blur.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A Palace Lament

While watching some old 黃梅調 movies, there was the finale song in form of a poem from 雙鳳奇緣 at 1:40:10… From the italics part of the poem, I was inspired to write my own.

人間還數帝王家                      還數 as in 數還數, 路還路


1 昨夜星寒照宮紗
Last night cold were the stars shining at the palace windows,
2 今宵月缺怨雲霞 Tonight, the moon is imperfect but the colored clouds get blamed.
3 醉後千杯暖誰人Wouldst a thousand cups be warming anyone?
4 蓬蓽更勝帝王家 Far better are walls of a hovel than those of palace grounds.

1 literally, “palace silk”. 紗 is gauze-like, rough and yet strong, durable and translucent silk to be used like frosted glass. Only the imperial family is rich enough to use them. Ordinary people used paper.

2 月缺 translates to “new moon” and hence imperfect. The intent of this line is that even when full, it would be obscured by the clouds.

3 Ancient Chinese prefer their alcohol warmed.

4 Short for
蓬門蓽戶 – over grown gate and wicker windows, a poor person’s dwelling. The literal inference is that at least there is warmth in a shared bed. Figuratively, palace relationships are never genuine and fidelity is non-existent.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

On The First Day of April

The sun was shining brightly and my spirits were lifted greatly during my jog.

1 四月初到陽光好
The sun is bright with the newly arrived month of four,
2 花間莫辭金蓮步 Amidst the flowers, nary hesitation to steps of golden lotuses.
3 奈何一笑扇遮唇 To no avail, a smile hidden by the fan.
4 是恐蜂蝶向君訴 For fear of telltale bees and butterflies to my Lord.

1 The lunar fourth month although this was written with April in mind.

2 “Golden Lotus” or “Golden Lilies” are euphemisms for the tiny feet bound feet of the women. 三寸金蓮, three Inch Golden Lotuses. It is akin to the 19th century western craze for wasp waisted women.

4 Butterflies and bees are Casanova dandies. Here they are referred to the maids in attendance.

Saturday, April 1, 2023