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Monday, December 2, 2019

Romance of the Green Bowers - 青樓然

This inspiration comes from a friend lamenting his comings and goings, make no difference in loneliness.  He's a flight attendant.

1 來去匆速總是空 In the end, fast comings and quick goings are just empty promises,
2 流光碎影莫待紅 Time floweth; shattered shadows, nary rosiness awaited.
3 花一朝風催落 One day cometh; falling peach blossoms withered by the wind,
4 曾經嫦娥此寒宮 O former Goddess of the moon of this cold cold palace…

5 黄金艷色永無退 Gold forever seductive -- never tarnishes,
6 白玉瑕缺終須逢 White jade flaws -- eventually met,
7 微溫燭淚夜常伴 Feeble warmth and candle tears, my nightly companions,
8 鑒世己擁作綺夢 Embracing my worldly reflections as sweet sweet dreams.

2. ,red can refer to the rouge or the rosiness of youth.
3. Peach blossom comes in many different shades of red.
4. 嫦娥, the moon goddess lives in the palace called “The Great Cold”.
7. Candle tears – literary term for dripping wax.
8. – highly polished bronze surfaces used as mirrors in ancient China and the meaning is extended to “reflections of oneself”. As verb, to view, or observe.


Thursday, 14 November 2019

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