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Sunday, March 26, 2023


Wanted to reach my 50th poem before the month ends… So, while jogging starting with various lines with the rhyming character as 點. The lines were either not colorful or meaningful enough. Trying to continue would make the poem too plain. Finally, a line came into my mental exercise and from there, it was plain sailing…

1 琵琶聲盡箔牽連
The pipa had stopped and the reed screen got blamed,
2 銀橋彩暗野烟纒 As the silver bridge darkened from feral mists.
3 五更夢短長夜勸 Short dreams at the hour of the fifth consoled by the long night,
4 窗外嘀嗒愁雨點 And sorrowful raindrops goes drip a drip outside the window.

2 The bridged looks silvery due to the moonlight but is now obscured by the mists. 野 can use to denigrate wild flowers of the green bowers.

5 The fifth hour is equivalent to the period from 3am to 5am.

Monday, March 20, 2023

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