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Monday, July 8, 2019

Naked Burlaks At Divine Farmer Stream - 神農裸體縴夫

Adding a piece of music from your CD is difficult unless it is also available from Youtube.  However, this is a different version from my CD and included a video.  The video is about naked burlaks, a bygone profession from China.  I have never heard of them until now.  As such, it also inspired me to write this poem.  Many, many thanks!!!

長江三峽神農溪 At the Divine Farmer’s River of Yangtze’s Three Gorges,
峭壁急流石堆斜 Where cliffs are steep, rapids swift and scattered rocks a slant.
嘿呦縴唱振谷河 Heave Ho! Burlaks in song, rising from the valley waters,
齊眾勤苦叫山野 Assiduous teamwork, calling to the mountain’s wilderness.

逆水行舟汗滴深 Deep in sweat against the flow, boats plodding onwards,
日中月明雲非遮 The moon is bright in the day, nary a cloud to hide behind.
麗質滔天前往向 Natural beauties fill the very heavens, surging forward,
牽引滾地誰來邪 In writhing tows across the land - whence forth strangeness cometh?

客觀仙凡相比妬 Staring guest, mutual envy arose as heaven and earth compared,
欲其壯官錦袍卸 For those strong muscles, rich brocades gladly given up.
又恐莫刻嫌勞棄 And yet afraid, a moment’s toil, unable to bear.
夢魔繞纒愁今夜 Tonight’s endless sorrows wrapped in demonic dreams

玉帶腰珮尚未慾 Jade belts and adornments, yet to lust,
浪推潮湧權威借 Shoving waves, surging tides, their power borrowed.
立悟社稷無量重 And at once, the immeasurable weight of society descended,
安睡虛入五更嗟 Feigning in sound sleep, till morn in sighs.

Note: "moon" slang for "butt"

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