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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Untitled Once More...

The first part was composed a day before. As I felt it was hanging in the air without closure and hence the second part. As usual, the first line was the inspiration.

烟鎖池塘心鎖魂 The mists enshroud the pond and the heart locks the soul,
只見霧散不見人 I see only the fog lifting but no one seen.
日升高竿時已盡 The sun is overhead and time has ended,
露滴去何誰得問 To whom can I ask where the dewy droplets went?

鴛鴦并遊溪邊樂 The joy of a pair of Mandarin ducks roaming by the brook,
綠柳垂搖逐風韻 And green willows swaying to the rhythm of the winds.
好景不過青山遠 A good scenery is just but green mountains far away,
知音未來白雲近 Your soul mate has yet to meet and white clouds neared.

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