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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mid Autumn Festival 2011 - 中秋節


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming soon (12 Sep 2011). I have a dessert party to go. Not only everyone is expected to bring a dessert, not necessary moon cakes, all must bring a poem along for later recitation at the poolside - whether it is a dirty limerick or not, it must be of your own composition. It matters not if it’s in English or not. Yes, it is also a pool party. Southern Californian weather permits such activities at this time of the year! Anyway, here’s what I had composed,

月到中秋分外明, Brighter still is the moon when it is in mid autumn,
漫舞歌樂池邊庭. In song, in music, unrestrained dancing by the courtyard pool,
玉液瓊酒雖真貴, Exquisite and rare are the elixir of liquor,
不勝身傍良友情. Rarer still are the friendships beside me.

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