Looking back at these old Cantonese movies, the actors were so young and handsome, like an American kid growing up with a Jimmy Steward or Troy Donahue movie..., Or of later generations with Athreyu and Bastion in the Never Ending Story...
And thanks to them, the result of their inspiration for one...
雄壯精勃曾一刻, Once upon a brief moment, we were young and full of vitality,
嵗月莫惜萬世隔. How the aeons had gone by, Time has no fondness for us all.
東風只曉醉年華, And the East Wind only knows how to enthrall the youthfulness,
醒來酒去夢中客. Upon wakening, gone is the inebriation, realizing we are just but guests in our dreams.
恨今事舊杯再盡, Regretting that today's things had grown too old and to my cups - bottoms up once more,
風催花魂辭古柏. The wind hastens the flower souls bade farewell to old cypresses.
重渡瑤池春色回, To the Jasper Pools I cross, returning to eternal spring,
休顧紅塵青山白. Nary a care for the mortal world, whether the green mountain had capped in white or not.