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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Such Is The Life of Mortals

It had been raining all day and night yesterday. This morning, the rain had abated but is still sort of misty wet. As I jog, I could hear the dogs barking in the animal shelter for their lunch feeding. The second stanza was inspired when there was a brief respite of bright sunshine broken through the dark clouds and by the time I was done with my jog, I was drenching in sweat.

This poem compares elements of nature to that of despots in making life miserable for the populace.

1 獨步微覺烟雨沾
Feeling the slight misty rain as I walked alone,
2 天冷地濕斜路險
The sky is cold, the ground is wet and inclined roads are treacherous.
3 途徑偏僻犬聲遠
My route is remote but barking dogs I hear from a distance,
4 髮尖危滴有幾點
And upon the tips of my hair are few droplets of water.

5 長夢繼續短人生
Dreams continue to be long but life is short,
6 風吹寒刺權欺善
Cold winds piercing like the powerful oppressing the meek.
7 日破中午烏雲散
And by noon, the sun had broken through the clouds of dark,
8 衣衫未亁汗漸流
My clothes not yet dried but sweat is now slowly seeping into them.

4 Textually, 有幾點 can be a rhetorical question but in this context, just a matter-of-fact statement.

Saturday, 11 March 2023

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