Tuesday, January 1, 2019

流星夢 - Meteoric Dreams

This came about when I finished updating 兩岸凡間淚,  and the theme of the Seventh Night was still fresh in my mind... 


The second stanza was harder because I didn't know how to connect the two stanzas smoothly into a coherent and related theme until the three words, 流星夢 waltzed into my mind the next day and everything fell into place easily.

31 December, 2018

銀河二星隔, Two separated Milky Way Stars,
鵲橋一夜刻. And one night upon the magpie bridge.
淚眼言未盡, Teary eyes and words' end not yet reached,
東岸又見白. The east bank glows once more in white.

歲月流星夢, In the River of Time, short-lived meteor showers are like dreams,
年華人間客. And Youth are but guests of the mortal world.
豈比天上恨, How can eternal regrets of Heaven be compared?
七夕苦果摘. Of bitter fruit on every Seventh Night plucked.

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