Wednesday, January 2, 2019

新年賀 - Happy New Year

It was 3am in the morning and a friend came as he had gotten off the airport and came to get his car keys in my house. As I was closing the door behind him, I felt the too coldness of the night air and when I went back to my bed, this line, kept popping into my mind,


After many revisions, in my head, I was able to drift off to slumberland when I was quite satisfied with the theme. However, the next morning, there were many more refinements...

夜冷星亦疏, The night's too cold and stars are also in hiding,
更無行人傻. And no traveller is stupid enough to venture out.
醉醒今朝寂, Awakened from my drunken stupor, I find the morning lonely,
重唱去年歌.And so once more I belched out songs from last year.

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