Thursday, February 28, 2019

Two Variations on the Same Theme - 同題二變

Continuing with the same theme of the last poem in "Three Untitled Poems".

The original line was 黄鶯夜哭啼 - The late night weeping of the yellow oriole.  Halfway through, the storyline morphed into something different.  However, the last line of the original, 來朝誰所為, For whom is the coming of dawn? is too enticing to be discarded.  After the second poem was finished in a few hours, I was able to return to the original one and finished it.

黄鶯樹上啼 The yellow oriole chirping in the tree,
驚破夢幻世 Shattering my dream world fantasy.
莫停倦壓煩 Its non-stop twittering vexing me to end,
頃刻房搬誓 Instantly, I vowed to move away.

幽靜秋景林 It's all quiet in the autumn forest,
寂寞春光廢 Loneliness is springtime banished.
昔日舊鳴憶 Long I yearn for the twittering of the past,
少時色魔迷 Alas, befuddled by the then lustful demon of youth.

黄鶯哭夜啼 The yellow oriole weeping in the night,
驚破夢幻世 Shattering my dream world of fantasy.
燭淚已成空 No more dripping tears from the candle,
來朝誰所為 For whom is the coming of dawn?

窗外另人春 Outside the window is springtime for others,
房中自困迷 But in my room is self-trapped befuddlement.
弱質從何至 From whence such weak constitution came?
養恩育枉廢 All the upbringing and education but in vain.

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