Monday, February 11, 2019

日月星辰 - The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and the Hours.

This poem was inspired from the line, 日月星辰.

日落楓紅黄屋金, Red are the maple leaves with the setting sun and yellow houses turning into gold, 
月升林暗烏江銀. The forests grew dark with the rising moon and the black river shimmers in silver. 
星垂何踪借一問Where may the stars drape I dare asked, and
? When the hours are gone; the constellations dissipated; to whom they inebriate?

While watching a video on Youtube, I came across this poem but found no result on the internet.  So I suppose it must be written by some non famous person...

青草橋頭景物微 Green is the grass by the bridge's end and things around seemed small
琿塔邊雁難飛 Difficult it is for the geese to fly by the Pagoda of Pearl and Jade.
蒸湘緩緩輕流動 The gentle River Jing meanders lazily,
汗灑石鼓濕頸圍 And upon the stone drums sprinkled, are sweat from my wet collar.

I quite like the first four character combo and decided to try my hand at it...

青草橋頭水流東 Green is the grass by the bridge's end as the waters flow east,
漸別影成夢 The boats are slowly departing and shadows turn into dreams.
回顧襟前淚一滴 Turning back for one last look, upon the bosom, a tear dropped,
杯中自有重相逢 In my wine cup I shall see you once more.

As I wrote this poem with a brush, a three character combo came into my mind and reversing the first four characters...  Since, the last character no longer fits the rhyming scheme, might as well rewrote the poem to something different.

橋頭青草岸邊花 Green grasses by the bridge's end and flowers fragrant on the banks,
相別時到心又怕 As the hour of departure drew near, the heart gives in to fear.
赴京榮幸路程惡 Taking the Imperial exams is a privileged honor but the road is fraught with danger,
朝望夜夢早日家 Mornings I hoped; nights I dreamt that you will return home safely.

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