Thursday, January 24, 2019

Strangers that We are Now

Waking up from a dream at 12:23am, during my semi-consciousness, I found myself reciting two poetic lines that were in my dream. At this transitioning moment in regaining full consciousness, I was momentarily distracted.  The first line became a total blackout and was forever lost in slumberland. What remained was the second line and became the first line of this resulting poem.

Without this background of information, the poem can be interpreted differently.
Got up and wrote it down before going back to sleep, lest I would forget everything the next day upon reawakening.  Sure enough, when I woke up again, the last two lines were hazy in my mind.

初醒夢盡魂烟散 Upon wakening, my dream had ended;  my soul and haziness dissipated,
心神未清半身還 Half my body had returned and my mind befuddled.
脚踏雙界時一忘 Still straddled in both worlds, a momentarily forgetfulness beget,
陌道重見認識難 Even if we were to see each other again, strangers we're on a road newly travelled.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

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