Tuesday, October 30, 2018

往日春 - Springtime of Yesteryears

This started when I was doodling with my calligraphy practice.  The first line, a common phrase is what that led me to cap it as a couplet...

嵗月不留人, Time retains no one,
春風皆是夢. All the winds of spring are just memories.
水流往日事, Flowing with time flows the days of old,
遲早化成空. Sooner or later, nothingness they shall be.

Monday, October 29, 2018

A few days later, I began to write another version with the restriction of the first two lines as a couplet removed.  I just wanted to have more rhyming and as such, the rhyming scheme is changed and content on a more personal level.

嵗月不留人, Time retains no one,
春宵舊日尋. For a night of spring is to seek the days of old.
醉夢從前事, In drunken stupor, I dream of yesteryears.
醒後雨淚恨. And upon awakening, in torrential tears of regret.

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