Wednesday, October 31, 2018

幽悠舊事 Something From Aeons Past

While searching for some past information of aeons ago, I found something even earlier - a worm eaten notebook containing some my earliest poetry. Time had erased the memory of having an interest in such pursuits. Perhaps, it's because I had found love. And thank goodness I saved everything that may be of sentimental value even when they are not pleasant.

Of course in those days, my poems are coarse and not conforming to any strict rhyming scheme but the imagery is there. This rhyming skill was just "mastered" only two years ago with the help of the internet. The translation is today's. And if I have the time, hopefully they will be polished.

This one is from my army basic training days, still a teenager of eighteen.

高掛星河明月光, Hung high above the Milky Way is the moon so bright,
花間宇宙島上牢. In this flowery universe of an island imprisoned that I am.
日辛夜苦有誰知, Days I toiled and nights I slaved but who wouldst know?
三月災難如三秋. A time of three months is like three years straight.

東方旭日初破曉, Dawn is breaking on the eastern front,
五藏未祭雷霆嚮. And rumbling is heard - my stomach had no sacrifice yet.
只見蜿蜒人綫長, All I see are long wriggling lines of gods,
不知入廟拜何時, At what time into the temple to be served, I know not.

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