Monday, October 8, 2018

Weltschmerz - 世殢

This was inspired by The Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒.

西曇幽處春風借,A quiet westside corner is where the borrowed spring wind blooms the "Queen of the Night",
北斗未殘花先謝.Even before the Big Dipper withers, the flowers will be spent.
古松千年萬世青,The ancient pines of a thousand years will remain green for aeons to come.
逍遙日蜉不忌夜.And day mayflies are free and unfettered, dreading not of the coming night.

流光速速亦冉冉,Whether time flows swiftly or in slowness,
年華匆匆又奢奢.Youth is reckless and fills with indulgence.
乾坤歲月大限盡,Even when the grand lifetimes of heaven and earth are no more,
唯我紅塵依難舍.My yearning for this mundane world will never cease.

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