Friday, October 19, 2018

遊夢怨 - A Lamenting Dream

Again I was inspired by the song, 鴛鴦江月夜(春江花月夜) by Lisa Wang (汪明荃). This time, the inspired words are 夜月江水

夜月魂遊江水明, As the late moon dreams, the river gleams,
舟上獨曲銀波影. A little boat's lonely melody 
boat singing out the silvery waves. 
借醉花嬌相思恨, In my stupor of forlorn and regret, the flowers justifiably looked exquisite,
遍望刻刻無限情. Each time looked, unending love is everywhere.
微吹風冷蟾宮寒, The gentle breeze blows coldly, making the Lunar Palace even colder,
不時露甘瑶池成. But from time to time, sweet is the dew becometh and a Japser Pool's reality maketh.
忽敏弦斷散烟飛, Suddenly that sensitive string snapped and mists dissipated,
離鴻驚破夢景命. And life in a dream jarred by discordance of the departing swan.

Friday, October 19, 2018

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