Monday, March 7, 2016

The Three Shadows

An evening walk at the Cabrillo Marina.  The evening air was warm. Then a sudden whim for a selfie...

From this photo, I was inspired in composing the following poem.

空中一月一遍明,  In the sky, one moon, one stretch of brightness,
地上三影三人夢.  On the ground, three shadows, dreams of three.
此時此刻再難聚,  Difficult for this hour, this moment once more repeated,
好比無緣無相逢.  Better than not having this happened at all.

I guess I was being melancholic, so I came up with a tad less pathetic in tone...

空中一月一遍明,  In the sky, one moon, one stretch of brightness,
地上三影三人夢.  On the ground, three shadows, dreams of three.
此時此刻此聚佳, This hour, this moment, this get-together great,
無緣無份無相逢. No fate, no destiny, no rendezvous.

12 Oct 2015

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