Friday, June 14, 2013

後庭花 - 幽魂張麗華 - Courtyard Flower, The Soul of Chang Li Hua

夏天長在此, 四周蜂蝶花香. 苑中無處不迎人. 微風柳垂, 陽光滿灑身上暖. 何人不歡樂? 苑中一人世界, 時刻在此停流, 不如世外窅然去. 此地非仙界, 只是一魂心緒靜.

景見情觸,一聲一色無限貴, 花雖香, 蝶雖麗, 難補心中缺. 天籟悠揚, 難比知音勝. 獨舞瀛臺上, 迎風兩袖飛. 徘徊當時青絲七尺長, 享盡人間榮華. 君居臨春, 我結綺. 望仙一霎烟水閑. 莫怪他人妬我倩, 只恨此鈎魂顏. 我非妲己, 高熲非子牙. 此冤永不歇.

此地非仙界, 亦非孤魂心緒靜. 千秋綿綿悔, 永鎖此方後庭地獄間.

Eterne are the summers here. All over are bees, butterflies and flowers of fragrance. Nary a place this garden offers not a welcome sight. Gentle breeze and willows sway. Glorious sunshine caressing me in warmth. How could joy not be in anyone? This garden, a world of only one, where Time had stopped -- unlike those of the outside world slipping away quietly without trace. This no fairyland, but a soul's residence of quietude.

Gazing at this environment, each sight, each sound, each color is ever so precious. Though fragrant are the blossoms; beauty are the butterflies; they hardly fill my empty heart. Mellifluous are the sounds of nature -- hardly my bosom companions. Alone I dance on the Ocean Terrace; my long sleeves billowing in welcome to the wind. Dithering here and hesitating there, I remember the yesterdays; my ebony hair of seven feet long. A luxurious life I did partake. My Lived in the Pavilion of Approaching Spring and I, at the Pavilion of Beauty Forming. Where are they and the Pavilion of Immortals Peering now? All dispersed like fleeting whimpering in the vanishing mists. Blame not the jealousy of others over my peerless beauty. I hate this soul-snatching face of mine. I am no Daji and you sir, Gao Jion is no Tzu Ya! This injustice will never rest.

This is no fairyland and neither a place for one soul's solitude. A thousand years' regret, eternally locked in this courtyard of Hades.
Inspired by the song Enchantment

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