Thursday, March 29, 2012


今日是星期一了. 天要捉弄我. 偏偏被困在辦公室內而外面有萬道陽光歡照,把個南加洲一片大地温暖起來. 而我呢? 只能妬忌地睄睄窗外的情境. 真氣殺我也! 好在今天所有的電腦軟体問題都已經解决了又早已批發給屬下去辦了. 現在放晏1, 為了減肥只叫人買些沙律2回來. 這样才可以避免美食廣塲中所有香噴噴3的誘惑! 乘有停機時間可以揮筆學習寫中文.

人生路上的行人只知來不知去. 富在深山有遠親, 貧居鬧市無人問! 人性就是這樣. 要樂不要哀. 但無哀不知樂從來, 無苦不知甜. 俗語說得好, 馬馴被人騎, 人善被人欺. 權貴千世羨, 窮賤萬人踩. 人的說話可以扭轉乾坤. 是富有就稱為財大氣粗, 非富即為污糟45!有時總覺得 若我英文不是超良, 誰會來理睬我. 另一方面亦有人指責我夸多斗靡! 我会在乎嗎. 非也. 只有天知地曉. 唯我自明良心懂.

想話6繼續多咆哮一下. 但好可惜呀… 兔仔的食物已經到了!

Today is Monday and Heaven is playing a joke on me. Why it must be in the middle of the week that I am imprisoned in the office while tons of sunshine is shining happily outside with all of Southern California being warmed up. And what of me? All I can do is to peer outside of the window in envy. It’s killing me, Larry1!

Luckily, all this morning’s software problems had been solved and are being assigned to my subordinates to take care of the details. It is now lunchtime. As I am going on a diet, I asked someone to bring back some salad for me. This is the only way I can avoid all those tempting aromas from the food court. Taking this opportunity, I begin this essay.

In this road of life, passer-bys only notice those entering but not the leaving ones. There are always distant relatives when you are rich, even if you live in the remote mountains. When you are poor in the busiest of cities, nary will anyone inquire about you! Human nature is thus - joys to be had but never sorrows. Now, without sorrow whence joy will come from? Without bitterness, sweetness is but unknown. How apt the saying is, “A tame horse will be ridden by people just as the kindred will be bullied. Millions will go goo-goo gaga over the rich and powerful but the destitute will be trodden by the very ones. Still people’s tongues will turn and twist things around. If you are rich, then you are known as the filthy rich. If you have no money then you are the dirty poor! Sometimes, I felt that if my English is not that great, who would notice me? On the other hand, others will accuse that I am a show off. So do I care? No, I don’t. Heaven knows, Earth knows, I know and my conscience knows.

Of course I can continue ranting on but alas, the rabbit food is here.

Here's a more elegant version from Andrew,



Monday, March 26, 2012

1. 午飯時間到了. 可以去吃.

2. 沙拉

3. 形容飃搖的香氣

4. 齷齪, 骯髒

5. 不是包括廣東人在內, 他們喜歡稱別人為鬼! 例如美國鬼, 鬼妹, 鬼婆, 鬼仔(白種男兒), 鬼佬 (比較老些的白種男人)

6. 還想

7. Just a play of words from a series of advertisements in California where the owner of a sleeping mattress chain store, Larry, is offering huge discounts while his accountant is screaming, “Larry, you are killing me!” as the punch line.

1 comment:

  1. benben From China
    Speaks: Chinese (Mandarin), English, Chinese (Other)
    Learning: English, French, Spanish
    96 Notebook entries
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    benben 1 day(s) ago
    “有時總覺得若我英文不是超良, 誰會來理睬我. 另一方面亦有人指責我夸多斗靡!”
    There is no need to think about what others think about you! We like you on this website not only because of your great English, but also your kindness, and your wisdom etc.....
    I like your Chinese entry more than your English entry, because it is more classical style of writting Chinese. Moreover, it seems you are a little bit in despair for human relationship of this world. That is not so good for you to think about that. It indeed exists, but we just have one or two who is real friend, enough.
    Good luck to you!
    Jeff From United States
    Speaks: English, Chinese (Cantonese)
    Learning: Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), OtherFollowers
    962 Notebook entries
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    You 59 minute(s) ago
    Thank you very much on your thoughts. They really mean much even though we are virtual people on the opposite ends of the earth. Actually, I should be satisfied about my Chinese level since I was self taught. After the basic formal education, I did not have time to pursue the subject in a formal setting anymore. However, as time passes and life drawing to an end, I found myself swinging pendulously back to the other direction in seeking simpler joys. Maybe I am getting sick and tired of day in and day out of playing mind games with people I see everyday at work. Maybe it is because it is such a lousy day today... Drab skies of grey that is affecting my mood. I am sure I will spring right back when the sun's out and be back to my chirpy self. Thanks for being a friend. I wish distances and time are not far apart and get to know kindred folks like you. Life would be more wonderful! :))))
