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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Translation Inspiration

“Like a morning dream dissipating into whispers of memory” came from a Facebook post. It was a challenge for me to translate into classical Chinese. ChatGPT's: 晨梦散成留影聲. Not bad but not good idea. In the end, I came up with one and thus a poem to go along with it.

1 如夢朝散語影中
Like a morning dream dissipating into whispers of memory,
2 花香回味縹緲紅 And lingering fragrance of flowers reminded me of their heyday beauty.
3 雲厚霧輕歲月流 Clouds are thick and mists became dissipates as time progresses,
4 古松依舊看窅蓬 And yet ancient pines still gazing quietly at the reeds.

2 Red represents the color of youth.
3 Some are long buried while others, in the process of being forgotten.
4 Compared to pine trees, reeds have shorter lifespan - the beautiful die young and old and ugly doesn't!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

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