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The Buck Moon On 3rd July Photographed By Shintaro Tay in Singapore |
Started with a line while doodling with the brush before my jog. It just a coincidence that the Buck moon is occurring tonight. Had the structure completed when I was done.
1 低斜廣寒接高樓 Lowing lying is the lunar palace receiving the high towers,
2 莫見嫦娥使人愁 But not seeing the Goddess of the Moon makes everyone in frown.
3 尋遍華燈不知處 All over the bright lights are but nary a sign of her whereabouts,
4 孤照波水湖影柳 Upon the waves, shining alone by willow shadows in the lake.
1 The tall towers represent those wanting to alight into the lunar palace. Its name means “the Great Cold”. I used this term to symbolize the frigid and uncaring place.
2 It is assumed that the seekers had successfully entered the moon. The goddess symbolizes the soul of the place. They may have the body and not the heart.
3 The most logical search are bright places but lanterns can be brighter on closer up and bedazzle the senses of any seeker. Hence the wrong place to start. Here the lanterns refer to those of a brothel.
4 Far from the Madding Crowd is the most logical choice. This poem is reminiscent of 辛棄疾’s 青玉案.
東風夜放花千樹, 更吹落, 星如雨.
寶馬雕車香滿路, 鳳簫聲動, 玉壺光轉, 一夜魚龍舞.
蛾兒雪柳黃金縷, 笑語盈盈暗香去.
眾里尋他千百度, 驀然回首, 那人卻在, 燈火闌珊處.
Monday, July 3, 2023
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